The Frame Maker: fine custom picture framing design since 1976
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Museum Quality Framing

  • Light, humidity, mold, physical accident are just some of the everyday threats to the integrity and longevity of artwork and art objects. "Museum quality framing" and its variations are practices designed to minimize and even prevent damage to artwork from these hazards.

  • How your art is mounted, what kind of glass is used, how is the actual frame constructed: these are the essential questions of "museum quality" framing.

  • If you have your own questions about preserving your valuables like museums do, call us for a consultation today. We've been providing answers for artists, collectors, galleries and museums for 40 years.

currently in California museums
Recent blog posts from The Frame Maker

Museum quality framing projects at The Frame Maker

currently @ New York museums
Museum quality framing projects at The Frame Maker
  • The Spring Thing: Modern Mutiny
    Friday, Mar 04, 2016 - 6:30 PM
    Saturday, Mar 05, 2016 - 1:00 AM
    MCASD Downtown, Jacobs Building 1100 Kettner Blvd

    An evening inspired by Los Angeles-based contemporary artist Marnie Weber's Sailing at Sunset, from MCASD's permanent collection.

    mu·ti·ny - to refuse to obey the orders of a person in authority

    Save the date for MCASD's annual downtown benefit, The Spring Thing. Chaired by Touradj Barman and Sarah Kaplan, and Matt and Allison Hoyt, this year's benefit pays homage to the rebellious spirit of contemporary art. Not your average mutiny, Modern Mutiny honors the contemporary artist. These individuals make--and sometimes break--their own rules. Get ready to rouse your inner rebel as The Spring Thing goes rogue!

Currently @ museums around the world


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